Choosing a Best Web Hosting company service for your site is a big choice. When you make a step to host your web site with a web host provider, you’re actually placing your Search Engine Rankings and income in the hands of your Web hosting provider. The wrong Web hosting service plan or service provider can cause big damages to your search engine ranking and it might be that you’re not even aware of it.
In the Search Engine Optimization world many SEO professionals tend to focus on the on-page optimization or on the back link hunting and they forget how important the hosting services are. Surely good hosting services will not boost your rankings, but it is certain that if you do not choose carefully you can get into serious problems.
Traffic Pulse offers SEO Friendly Web Hosting that enables webmasters to host websites from one control panel (WHM) and assign each account it’s own different Class C IP address. Each SEO Friendly hosting plan comes with private branded name-servers on separate Class C IP addresses.
Traffic Pulse focus on the 11 most important things to have in mind for your web hosting services.
- IP Address of the Server
- Plugins and Updated Server
- URL Rewriting
- Updated (Web Server, SQL Server, Plugins etc)
- Up-time Percentage
- Load Times
- Avoid cheap hosting services
- Number of sites hosted on the same Server/IP
- Other features in the hosting package
- Monthly Bandwidth Limits
- Good Customer Support Service
Our SEO Friendly Website Hosting Services including the following.
- Apache web server
- Unique IP address
- Spam free network
- White-listed SEO friendly servers
- Spam filters
- Virus scanning
- Web statistics packages
- Webmail
- 128-bit secure certificates for e-commerce
- Daily, weekly and monthly backups
- And Most important Shared Hosting
- Different Class C IP Address
All our customers are very happy with the features and support our company provides. Any Good Web Hosting Company that obeys the rules of search engines will be a good choice for your site so make sure you inform yourself before you decide for a hosting provider.
Please explore our Success Stories, Free SEO Analysis Report, Services Plans. To find out more, Contact Us Today! or simply Reply Us to get started today.