Are you looking for ERP Software for your College?
Traffic Pulse provides a complete online educational management system for very low cost. Traffic Pulse has all modules required for an institute and will customize required features.
You have an amazing chance to develop some really amazing ERP applications. Accurate and user friendly ERP system which gives you solution to all your worries.
Offered Modules for College ERP:
- Registrations Management
- Admissions Management
- Seat Confirmation
- Documents Verification
- Account Status
- Student Attendance Management
- Teacher Time Table (Online)
- Student Time Table (Online)
- Notice/Circular/Office Order Management
- Notice board (Smart Card, Online)
- Library Management (Smart Card, Barcode, SMS, Auto-SMS, Online)
- Hostel/Bus Pass (Webcam)
- Hostel Management (Biometrics)
- Mess Management (Biometrics)
- Transport Management
- AICTE Supported Fingerprints Management (Biometrics)
- Staff Attendance (Biometrics, Online)
- E-Library (Books, Journals, CD/DVDs, Newspapers, E-Books, E-Journals, Search, Advanced Search, Alphabetical Search, Account Status, Fine Status)
- Exam Results Management (Windows/Web)
- SMS Integration (Students, Staff, Parents, Groups, others)
- Common SMS (Enquiries, Registrations, Admissions, Staff etc.)
We assure you that our one visit to your campus will lead to change your thinking of running an Institution(s) because our system and products for campus management are highly innovative.
Contact Us to Know More…
Mobile: 9887459557, 0141-4034323
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